Speaking Project

Over the course of this semester, September 15-December 19, I had a task to do a speaking service for at least 4.5 hours. I just want to say that I managed that number within two weeks. When the assignment was set I had two options, #1 I could hope to be assigned a speaking partner to help teach English, or #2 Talk to my mother at least once a week in hopes of making a stronger bond. Well obviously I did neither and spoke to the Queen of England. Okay you got me. I spoke to my mother, DeLynn.

Now you should know that my mom and I used to be really close, but due to some bumps along the way we grew apart. When I first called her that first week she really didn’t think much of it. It wasn’t until the 4th week that she seemed suspicious. Mwahahah!! I fooled her for a while, but then I told her what I was doing. Not what I intended to come of it but the main task.

I noticed as the weeks passed it was becoming easier to talk to her. I found myself looking at the date to see if I could talk to her just yet. I know I could have picked up the phone and talked to her anytime, there is no limit. It was a wonderful experience. I feel that now my mother and we can talk about things that we hadn’t before.

If you have a parent or relative that you haven’t communicated with try it. Give them a chance. You will be amazed by the changes you see and feel.IMAG0119